Notice to CPA Bermuda Members

Important information for Chartered Accountants performing audit and review engagement services


We have been made aware that there are members performing audits and review engagements without permission from CPA Bermuda and also without having the required Professional Liability Insurance. Any member who wishes to perform assurance services must apply to CPA Bermuda to be registered as a Public Accountant.

All members are asked to refrain from this practice. If you wish to perform as a Public Accountant, please make application to CPA Bermuda to be registered as such. Any member wishing to apply must be aware that they will be required to carry Professional Liability Insurance and be subject to Practice Inspection Reviews.

In addition, performing Specified Audit procedures such as signing the Accountant’s Report under The Barristers (Accounts and Records) Rules 1976 or signing Reports of the Auditor for Real Estate Brokers (Form 5 – The Real Estate Brokers’ Licensing Act 2017) is included in the practice of public accounting and members will be required to register and obtain insurance as soon as possible.

If you have any questions in regard to this matter, please contact the office at telephone: 292-7479.